Faults of the Bohemian Massif

Source of Analytical Data on Main Faults and Faulted Areas with Seismic Potential

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Basic concepts of database and web, chief editor:

Managing Editors:


Other Contributors:

  • Josef Havíř (IPE, Masaryk University, Brno): calculation of fault slip potential
  • other specialists referred in individual sections
  • You? Please let us know in case you are missing some important information and you want to add it. See Contact Persons.

Contact Persons:

  • In case that you have some suggestions to individual faults, please contact the respective editor.
  • Should you think about becoming a systematic contributor, please contact Petr Špaček or any other managing editor
  • Should you have some general improvement proposals, please contact Petr Špaček.

How to cite

  • Please, always cite the primary sources referred to throughout this web if possible.
  • In case that only manuscript sources (mainly our reports) are referred here, you might consider to include this web in your citation, so that you refer to a source which is easier to reach. This web may also contain lots of as yet unpublished data. If you find it useful for your work, you should consider citing this web as a primary source. Please use our DOI. Example follows:

Bombadil, T. (2022). Withywindle valley fault. In: Špaček, P., Štěpančíková, P., & Prachař, I. (eds.), Faults of the Bohemian Massif – Source of Analytical Data on Main Faults and Faulted Areas with Seismogenic Potential. IPE, Masaryk University. https://doi.org/10.48790/MWF4-SH44

Special Credits

Special thanks go to the Czech Geological Survey, the authors of the geological maps from which the geometry of many of the faults in our database was taken or which served as one of the sources for deriving the new, updated geometry.





  • The database and this web were made largely within Sigma2 project, the Czech participation being funded by ČEZ
  • The research on individual faults and the population of the database was co-funded from various projects provided by GAČR, ČEZ, SÚJB, MŠMT and European Research and Development Funds.
  • Contributing research projects from public sources include:
    • GAČR GAP210/12/0573
    • SÚJB VaV 01/2009
    • GeoBarr OPVVV CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008459

authors_and_credits.1646084761.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/28 22:46 by petrs