\\ =====Database===== Database is composed of several interconnected sources of data: ***Database of fault sections** and their parameters (//Fsections// shapefile joined with //Fparameters// table) ***Database of sites with important observations** related to fault activity and paleoearthquakes (//Fevidence// shapefile), and ***Explanation texts** (Encyclopedic entries in this web) Full description of corresponding attribute tables are here [[***.pdf|PDF]]. FIXME More details on the structure of the database and the overall strategy are described in this report: [[https://www.sigma-2.net/medias/files/sigma2-2018-d1-013-faults-bohemian-massif-final.pdf|Špaček et al. 2020]] (>7MB and slow!) Fault in the fault database are described by individual sections with unique parameters. In addition to the usual parameters, we try to capture the quality/accuracy of fault section mapping (field //map_q//) and information about what observations the fault is locally indicated by (field //ind_type//). The database of sites includes the observations bringing counterevidence on fault slip in addition to those with positive evidence. \\ {{:database.jpg?400|Database components}} //Fig. 1 Database components// At the moment the primary and only interface connecting to the database is the interactive map (read below). In the future we plan on providing some form of public service that will allow use in your own GIS. ---- =====Interactive map===== Interactive map is embedded in the //Start// page and can be also accessed via sidebar or via explanation texts (in the latter by clicking the figure with schematic map). It shows the fault geometry and the position of localities with important observations on top of zoomable topographic map. In the current setting the **faults are categorized according to their activity and** (after zooming in) **mapping quality.** Classes //activity// a //faultline accuracy// correspond to values 1-5 in fields //activity// and //map_q// of the database tables //Fsections// and //Fparameters// (see attribute tables above). **Sites with local evidence are classified by type**, corresponding to the //ind_inf// and //ind_type// fields in the //Fevidence// database. Clicking any object in a map opens a pop-up window (Fig. 2 left) with listing of selected database field records and hypertext link to explanation text. Data filtering and querying can be performed using the //Filter// tool which is activated by clicking the appropriate icon in //Details/Content// view (Fig. 2 right). Full list of records may be browsed using Table view (Fig. 3). {{:popup_and_filter.jpg?800|Pop-up window (left) & Filter tool (right)}} //Fig. 2 Pop-up window (left; opened by clicking the objects in the map), and Filter tool (right; opened by red-circled buttons). // {{:table_tool.jpg?700|}} //Fig. 3 Table tool activated by red-circled buttons.// ---- =====Explanation texts===== Explanation texts for major faults and local neotectonic observations can be quickly accessed from the sidebar menu list (currently available sub-menus //Major faults// and //Local evidence//). The //Other faults// sub-menu is reserved for faults of more local importance that are currently unavailable. Each page can be exported to pdf file by clicking on the appropriate button on the far right. The interactive map can be accessed either via startpage or via pages of individual faults.